Andreas Raspotnik
Analyst - EU Arctic Policy, Arctic Shipping, International Law
LL.M Law of the Sea (2011), University of Tromsø, Norway
Mag. Phil Political Science (M.A.) (2009), University of Vienna, Austria
B.A. History (2010), University of Vienna, Austria
Research interests: Arctic shipping and future shipping scenarios, Arctic fishing, International (Environmental) Law and its Arctic relevance, The European Union and the Arctic
Andreas Raspotnik is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Cologne (Jean Monnet Chair - Prof. Dr. Wessels), within the professional training program of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network EXACT, leading to a double PhD (“co-tutelle”) issued by the University of Cologne and the University of Edinburgh. His dissertation discusses the European Union and its Arctic endeavor from a critical geopolitical perspective. During his academic career he has focused his research particularly on Arctic security and energy policy, fisheries and environmental protection. His master theses were titled “Norwegian Security Policy in the High North - Energy resources and the Norwegian rationale in the High North” and “Unilateral Pollution Control in the Arctic – Canada’s NORDREG regulations in the context of UNCLOS, Article 234”. Andreas has worked as a Parliamentary Assistant for an Austrian MEP at the European Parliament in Brussels, dealing extensively with European Security and Defence Policy and domestic Security and Data Protection.
Selection of recent publications:
The European Union's Gateways to the Arctic, European Foreign Affairs Review, Volume 19, Issue 1, 2014
with Kathrin Keil (peer-reviewed)
The Maritime Dimension of CSDP: Geostrategic Maritime Challenges and their Implications for the European Union
Study for the European Parliament's Subcommittee on Security and Defence, January 2013
responsible for Section 4.3 The Northern Corridor
with Timo Behr, Erik Brattberg, Jyrki Kallio, Mika Aaltola, Charly Salonius-Pasternak and Maija Salonen
The EU as a Shipping Actor in the Arctic: Characteristics, Interests and Perspectives
Stiftung für Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Working Paper FG2, 2012/Nr. 4, December 2012
with Bettina Rudloff (peer-reviewed)
The Future of Arctic Shipping along the Transpolar Sea Route
Arctic Yearbook 2012
with Malte Humpert (peer-reviewed)
From 'Great Wall' to 'Great White North': Explaining China's Politics in the Arctic
European Geostrategy, August 2012
with Malte Humpert (peer-reviewed)
Port Technology International, Fifty-Fifth Edition, Summer 2012
with Malte Humpert